Friday, September 28, 2007

It's Thursday

I'm back...

Yesterday (Wednesday) Danny had a trip to Astoria, OR to deliver something for his job... and so he was texting me since 10am and calling me every 5 minutes while my phone's ringer was off and I was sleeping silently =o) He finally came home at 11am and woke me up, and as I have mentioned before, I love coming along with him for a long ride... We were out the door in 15 minutes, yes, I can be a superwoman when the need and desire come together!

I had a great time with my darling, though my plan for the day was to find some comfy shoes... I didn't care. I was close to Danny. We, as usually, talked, listened to educational/motivational Cd's, joked, laughed... In 2 words, GREAT RIDE!

Today (Thursday), I had the car to myself, so I went to Kohl's and got me some comfy (well sort of) shoes. Not the cutest but something soft and easy to slip on. I'll probably shop around some more, I'm not really set on these shoes... =o/

I also went to my mommies house to drop off her order of Fish Oil we got from Costco... It was absolutely wonderful to hear her tell me how pretty I look and how she can't believe I'm pregnant! =o) I told her that it'll be very believable in a few months - hehe Yep, when the baby is in my arms and not hiding inside my tummy. My auntie was hilarious too, she commented on how it must be horrible for the baby to be in my tummy... I told her that she is sooo wrong!! Haha The baby is having the time of his life in there (wink!)... always perfect temp, never hungry, no aches or pains (at least not until he grows big enough to be nicely squished in my tummy - hehehe), and mommy is always near. She smiled, probably thinking what a smarty-pants I am. LOL Well, can't blame her, she never had kids and never had the resources we have now to educate our self on any topic... no Internet, no magazines, and people probably didn't talk openly about such things those days...

I made some borscht today (it was soo tasty, ask Danny! Or stop by for a bowl - hehe), I also made this yummy Quinua (keen-wah) Chicken dish... oh that was soo good, first time and it's perfect! Now I'm too tired to normally function at this laptop... lol I soo want to cuddle in bed while Dan massages my poor feet... they are soo sore... I was on my feet lots of day. I read online to see why my feet could hurt so bad... it could be that hormones are loosening all my joints and the constantly climbing weight causing stress on my feet. I only have about 15 weeks of this =o) I can do it!!! I promise, hehehe

A quick note to Danny: Darling, I love you so so much... and it's 9pm, we must run to bed soon =o) On time at least once... remember my feet??? =o)) They need your healing and loving touch!! =o) Chmok!!!

Goodnight to all.

1 comment:

Idea Dump said...

And I love YOU! My sweetie pie. :)