Sunday, September 16, 2007

Craiglist deal today.

Last night I was lurking on Craigslist and found a garage sale happening today until 5pm selling lots of maternity clothes... Danny and I decided to go there, but on the way there we stopped at this other girls house (also off of Craigslist) also for maternity clothes... yes, I'm in need of some maternity clothes for my growing belly =)

The clothes at the girls place were cute so I got a few things... pretty much all of the things, I only left 3 items and paid $40 - what a deal.

At the garage sale, I found a ton of things! Goodness, I think today was my day =) I bought such cute stuff, bunch from Pea in the Pod, Mimi Maternity, and Gap, plus Old Navy. But man, this was a STEAL! Some things were a $1, and the most expensive items was an adorable jacket from Pea in the Pod, originally $200+ and I only paid $15 - woohoo! Now I'm home and I'm going through my memory of the things I didn't buy and now I want them too - lol. Also, I added all the items up (total 19 pieces) and I only paid $60 - so I guess I paid only $3/piece - Oh, I'm loving it!!!

Craigslist rocks... We've bought out dining table there, office desk, office chairs, and now my maternity clothes. =) I'm sure I'll be buying the crib furniture set from there too when the time comes, though I'm already scanning through it every day - hehe. Some cute stuff, though some are over our budget... so I'm keeping my eyes open for a steal, again.

I just washed all the clothes and the pieces that haven't been worn before (NWT) have just been hung up, it's awesome having some cute things in my closet again, things that actually fit me! I spent $100 on clothes today and I can't be happier - all pieces are just adorable, I didn't even know such cute maternity clothes existed =)

I Love Craigslist - a steal here and a deal there - I'll shop there some more, soon!

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